Piero Cocco - foto(grafica)

© photo by: Piero Cocco - L'Aquila

"C O M M E N T S"

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Bello il tuo modo di vedere le cose. Grazie per le tue foto.
Mauro Bighin <mauro.bighin@tin.it>
Chioggia, Italy - 30/04/2006

Hello Piero, I have found your website through ControLuce.I have looked at your images, and I am very impressed by your work. They are fantastic. I have also written the url to my own website. I hope you have time to visit it, and let my know how you like it. Thank you very much for your attention and hope to contact you again soon. Best wishes for much photographic successes in the new year 2006. Regards, Piksin Thé.
Piksin Thé <piksinthe@planet.nl>
Amsterdam, Netherlands - 31/12/2005

Ciao, è sempre bello rivedere i tuoi capolavori, peccato trovarne così pochi...aspetto con ansia i prossimi e ...spero di esserci anch'io! un bacio grande la tua prima piccola modella!
Emanuela <emanuelatorcinaro@libero.it>
Cassino, Italy - 06/11/2004